​​​​Program Coordinators and Planning Committee​​

Recruiting Staff Volunteers

Recruiting staff volunteers is a critical element for building a sustainable worksite employee wellness program. Take Action! requires three different types of employee volunteers:

1. Program Coordinator

The Program Coordinator​ is responsible for the overall management of Take Action!. In a large company, it may be necessary to recruit additional Program Coordinators to share some of the program management responsibilities.

2. Planning Committee

planning-committee.jpg​The role of the Planning Committee is to assist the Program Coordinator with the planning, implementation, and evaluation components of 
Take Action!. Be sure to include a variety of people on the committee, from Senior and Mid-level Management, to Human Resources, to IT/Computer Support, to Administrative staff.​​​

3. Team Captains​

team-captains.jpg​The Team Captains​ are one of the most important parts of Take Action!. They provide motivation, information, and support to the program participants. They have a major impact on whether or not the parti​​cipants have a positive experience withTake Action!. Team Captains are the point of contact between the program participants and the Planning Committee.

​"At our HR Staff meeting we were saying that we thought all th​is wellness stuff would be really hard to sell to our employees, but it has been the opposite!" 

HR Generalist/Program Coordinator, PTI Technologies, Oxnard, CA​​



Complete Program ​

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Look for established committees like health/safety. See if they have enthusiastic employees interested in developing nutrition and physical activity programs for employees. Use e-mail, flyers, and paycheck stuffers to solicit a Planning Committee and Team Captains.​